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How to Turn Website Visitors into Customers with CRO

Turn website visitors into customers with cro

In the digital marketing landscape, a conversion is where you get visitors to make a desired action when visiting your site. The process starts with a user learning about your site and deciding to click on it. They like what you offer and decide that your brand is legit. Finally, they complete the action you’ve aimed as your goal.

That could mean buying a product or service or submitting their personal information for a newsletter. Once this happens, you receive a conversion. In this article, you’ll discover five tips for turning your visitors into customers!

Understanding conversion rates

Conversion rates show you how successful you are in turning visitors into customers. If you have 200 conversions from 10,000 monthly visitors, that means you have a 2% rate (200/10,000). Even though your traffic is at an admirable level and you have successfully implemented effective SEO strategies to attract visitors, low conversion numbers are why your profit hasn’t reached high numbers. That is why you must focus on your CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization).

CRO is not just a strategy; it’s a game-changer. It’s the key to boosting your profit and achieving your business’s financial goals. CRO is about leveraging your existing assets and maximizing every opportunity. It minimizes bounce rate, decreases customer acquisition costs, and enhances your rankings in search engines. Here are proven ways to improve your CRO and reap these benefits.

1. Understand your target audience

Before improving your conversion rate, you must know who you’re targeting in the first place. After summarizing many guides for figuring out your target audience, here are the two most significant points:

  • Who are your average customers? Are your products more suitable for young adults, parents, or retirees? Determine your buyer persona based on age, occupation, and interests.
  • What are their pain points? A pain point shows the potential problem your audience faces and how your product solves it. For example, a marketing platform may need an SEO platform, and your product may give them what they need.

We suggest you conduct online surveys or ask for feedback directly from your existing customers. They’ve purchased your product, and learning what they think about it may offer you valuable information to improve conversions.

Another way to gain insights into your customers’ preferences is to analyze what they’re looking for when searching the Internet. You can use the best SEO tools, such as Ahrefs and Semrush, to optimize your pages and attract the most interested customers.

2. Create a user-friendly website

If your visitors come to your site looking for your product and are confused about how to do that, then all your efforts will go to waste. A potential customer may have tried but failed to find your purchase page. This is why creating a website with simple navigation is crucial.

The idea is to make it less complicated –  let users buy a product with just a few clicks. When writing content, use clear and concise language and avoid any confusion that may prevent customers from performing a desired action.

There’s a clear trend that people use smartphones more than desktop computers to search the internet. In the e-commerce market, around six out of ten sales occur via mobile devices. Therefore, making your website mobile-friendly is crucial to keeping up with the trends. This involves adapting your website’s interface to users’ devices, such as smartphones or tablets. Ensure fast page loading times; visitors will lose interest even if your site takes three seconds to load.

3. Offer high-quality content 

One way to attract visitors to your site is by writing relevant content. Engaging content will boost your traffic and improve your organic SEO, showing the reader that you’re an expert in your niche. Valuable content will improve their thoughts about your brand and make them more interested in what you’re selling. This motivates every visitor to perform your targeted action, boosting your conversion rate.

We advise using keywords throughout your content to help visitors find your website. AI content editors like Grammarly and keyword research tools can help you identify the best phrases for your content and optimize blogs for search engines.

4. Add engaging call to actions (CTAs)

You can’t expect your visitors to take the desired action if you aren’t clear about it. Be concise on what you want your visitors to do. A call to action can get visitors to join your email list, contact you for more info, or buy your product.

Be clear when delivering your CTA’s message, but avoid being too pushy. For example, adding a call to action in the final section is ideal for blog posts. For a mailing list, insert a pop-up on the homepage, but avoid the same pop-ups that appear on every loaded page, as that will only annoy customers.

If you’re offering a special discount, add a large image at the center of the homepage. You can also keep a banner at the corner of every site as a reminder, which isn’t too pushy and offers a simple shortcut for users who want to use the offer while browsing.

5. Test and optimize

Remember, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all formula for converting visitors into customers. The secret lies in testing and optimizing a strategy as much as necessary. We recommend using analytics tools, as they can make tracking website traffic and conversion rates easier.

Experiment with different strategies to find out what works best for your visitors. Have you created a video with a high engagement rate? If so, then it’s time to create and upload another one. However, if the results aren’t as expected, consider changing your strategy and focus on improving your blog content.


Conversion rate optimization is an ongoing process. It will take more than an overnight’s work to improve your CRO efforts, but it will be worth it. As a SaaS business owner, it’s crucial that you understand your customers, offer the right products, and figure out how to deliver an enhanced website experience. This won’t only boost your CRO but will make your brand more reputable. It will increase the number of visitors to your site, increasing potential customers and profit. Therefore, remember to use these tips and boost your CRO today!

Need help improving your SaaS site or product? Get in touch! We can help.

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